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Mariana Benitez Corona

Mariana Benitez Corona 


Lamp design and technical solution




A lamp that can bring light into a room, considering that the lack of light in the house makes it impossible to charge electrical appliances. A cheap and easy-to-use lamp that is sustainable and does not pollute but provides facilities to the users.


Create a functional prototype of a product that emits light focused on a real problem taking into consideration two variables. Do not pollute the environment and the maximum budget that can cost the product is 40€.

Power outages throughout the country.

60% of the day there is no power.

High energy demand.

A large number of sunlight hours. 12 hours of sunshine


No central electricity network.

Generator for general appliances (fridge, TV).

Diesel 16€ per week

6-8 hours per day without power.

67.1% Below poverty line

22% Middle to upper-middle-class

10.9% Upper class



Five years after the privatisation of Nigeria’s power sector, even the most luxurious Lagos hotels still suffer daily blackouts. The size of the gap between the country’s energy needs and its current provision is daunting.


Although rich in oil and gas as well as hydro and solar resources, Nigeria’s power companies generate only about 4,000MW on a typical day, according to the US Agency for International Development. That is less than one-third of what is required to supply its more than 190 million citizens.

Electricity is both expensive and unreliable, and many households depend on liquified petroleum gas or wood for cooking, something which is very often done by candlelight.

Nigeria is one of Africa’s most developed, resource-rich countries and yet it has notably failed to provide its people with a reliable electricity supply. That is at last beginning to change.


A Portable night table lamp that generates its own energy. Made of cardboard which does not need any tools since it is assembled by means of snap-fittings.

Contains a solar panel on top which powers the entire lamp and also has a USB input for charging mobile devices.

It is illuminated by a warm light LED ideal for rooms. Its weight is minimal so it is easy to carry anywhere and its screens manage to increase the light emission.

Wuta proposal


It is a device that captures the energy of solar radiation for its use. Our solar panel can store enough energy to have about 12 hours of light and a charge of one and a half hours for a cell phone.

Our solar panel does not emit pollution to the environment but generates light through a natural resource without damaging it and also solving a problem.


Wuta is created all by means of assemblies where it is not necessary the use of any tool, which makes that our user has the facility of the assembly and its manageability is simpler and intuitive. Achieving this way a light lamp.

Wuta elements

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