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Mariana Benitez Corona

Mariana Benitez 

Eduardo López (Stitcher)


Leather design & product development




Knife Set for executive chefs, that gives the practicality and efficiency to make the dining experience unique and personal. Be able to have what a chef needs in one place.


Create an 80-90% leather product for chefs, made by craftsmanship. 

During my investigation, I did extended research about which products could be made of leather since chefs work in a food contact area, so I decided to focus on creating a knife set that would give the chef added value when transporting his knives. 


For all the knife sets, their function is only to transport the knives from one kitchen to another. I looked for ways to make the knife set not just a working tool for the chef but to add more value to his work. 

Being that my user is an executive chef who attends private events, his set of knives has to be perfect, not just as a work tool but also as a business card.

The general concept is for them to have a valuable knife set in which they can have all the tools they need to be able to make the dining experience unique to the clients, and as well it gives them the capacity and facility to take everything in one place. 


I had the opportunity to meet with Eduardo Lopez, a professional Leather Stitcher. I went to his workshop in which I learned how to use and all the things I had to learn to be able to create and produce this project. It was an amazing experience to be able to get this first-hand knowledge. 

Challenge & Context

Knise concept

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